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The Girl Scout Friendship Fund

Creating Opportunities for Girls, One Gift at a Time.

Every girl deserves the chance to explore, lead, and grow with the support of Girl Scouts.
Friendship Fund helps ensure that Girl Scouting remains accessible to ALL families by covering essential costs for girls who need financial assistance.

How Your Gift Helps
When you donate to the Friendship Fund, you directly support local Girl Scout families experiencing financial hardship by covering:
Annual Membership Dues – Helping girls start or continue their Girl Scout journey.
Uniforms & Badges – Providing girls with the tools they need to fully participate in Girl Scouts.
Summer Camp Registration – Giving girls the chance to explore the outdoors, gain confidence, and build lifelong friendships.

Why It Matters
With rising membership costs, more families than ever will need financial assistance to keep their girls involved in Girl Scouting. While membership fees go to the national organization, donations to the Friendship Fund stay local—directly supporting girls in your community. Your gift ensures that no girl is unable to participate due to financial barriers.

Join us in making sure
EVERY girl has the opportunity to thrive in Girl Scouts.

Girl Scout Membership

Give a girl the opportunity to follow her dreams by covering her Girl Scout membership for the year.

Girl Scout Membership & Uniform

Provide a girl with a Girl Scout membership AND uniform, ensuring she has everything she needs to dream big and take on new adventures.

Girl Scout Membership, Uniform & Leadership Programs

Provide a girl from an under-resourced community with a full year of Girl Scout programming completely free to them. This covers membership fees, uniforms, badges, supplies, snacks, event registration, transportation costs and a paid staff-facilitator to serve as a troop leader.

Week of Day Camp

Provide a girl with a full week of classic day camp, where she’ll build confidence, make new friends, and enjoy exciting outdoor activities. This includes lunch each day and a variety of enriching camp experiences that create memories to last a lifetime.

Week of Overnight Camp

A full week of overnight camp opens up a world of adventure for a Girl Scout! Your donation covers three meals a day, outdoor exploration, hands-on activities, and cozy cabin accommodations—ensuring every girl has the opportunity to discover her strengths in a supportive and fun environment.